Divorce - always the cool shit for sale when there’s a divorce
Divorce - always the cool shit for sale when there’s a divorce
60X per year
The parts list seems solid. It’s hard to say, how much build time is factored in? Labor is expensive.
If only we could implement this at the gym for douchebags who set their towels on the bench and walk away to text for 20 minutes.
I can’t believe the hate this video is getting. The guy hand builds it and eyeballs the build. You can’t deny that is a skill. Each car is one of a kind and the owners are happy. What’s to hate? Not to mention these cars may fetch some pretty money one day.
Love the color.
A pack-yderm?
Chrysler releases AWD challenger with 305 hp v6: Everyone thinks its a nice car.
Super nice. Here’s to hoping GM doesn’t forget to put a nice engine in there.
So people are getting nudes through the grapevine?
You mean all the mustangs, chargers etc. that you’ve cut off in your dangerously slow car. Cutting someone off and merging are two different things, bro.
Thanks for all the replies. Still dangerously slow. One should not have to go WOT to get up to highway speeds.
About this car not being quick.. a couple of exhaust mods and you have a mid 13 second sedan. The 6 speed version is very quick for what it is!
I test drove one of these when they first came out. Dangerously slow is the best way to describe it. I did have a 250 lbs salesman with me but I couldn’t even get it up to highway speeds going WOT on the on ramp.
I see two chargers and one challenger. The article states two challengers were stolen.
I purchased a brand new iphone 7 plus and the battery was swollen when it arrived. It swelled to the point of the screen completely separating from the device.
This sounds like the engine may have a power curve adjustment. They may have moved the power to provide more grunt down low. This usually means losing top end which explains why a 0-60 sprint isn't any faster. I'm willing to bet this engine has more potential for power than the last one. We will have to wait on the…
I call BS on the RS test drive. Most dealers won't even let people sit in them. Are you in the US??
I guess I should have mentioned the other 77,800 miles on the car.