
black smoke

brand centipede

a jag is all about emotion to me. A manual would cater to those emotions.

and FR-S with a v8? NICE!


a symphony of metal and turbocharged pistons!

i own one. my best friend owns an R so i have driven both. isnt the golf heavier than the stang? edit: we are discussing the new 305 hp v6, right?

You really expect us to believe your genesis sedan was making short work of mustangs but couldn't beat a golf R?

1,100 lbs? He had high hopes

windy hill road in smyrna,ga. its a 5 lane 10-15 mile road (two lanes one way, two the other and a center turning lane) and the speed limit is 40 MPH over huge hills. Everyone does 30.

those tails are definitely saab inspired

After multi-year studis, Utah has raised a number of its highway speed limits up to 80 miles an hour. They cited the same reasons of safety as the now-famous 'Speed Kills Your Pocketbook' documentary. Finally, a government making sense about speed.

Mine doesn't talk at all

ME: 80mph

i love it. it has that 1970's look

thanks for that! im going to download it!

im here for the music


their naming convention was obviously chosen by ACURA

tell that to the civic drivers