
Honda Accord. You can get it with 3-pedals and it is a damn enjoyable daily driver. You can have it as a hybrid or a powerful V6. It is comfy, affordable, reliable. You can fit real adults in the back seat and it also has a sizable trunk. It’s not a 3-series, but it’s also not a total bore to drive.

Since the answer is really the Model S, and you didn’t specify “new”:

The Mustang owner later apologized, claiming he didn’t actually see the motorcycle, only the rider.

what I mean to say was that the GT1 was designed as a race car first, then adapted for the road. The F1 was the other way around.

I wanted to give it a chance, and I kind of thought it was okay, but after writing this, I realize just how bad it really is.

My parents and my wife both enjoyed watching old Top Gear with me. I loved that about the show. My wife has no interest in cars whatsoever, but she’d voluntarily sit down with me and watch. My dad became a real fan of it.

King of Hammers rigs have been doing long travel 4wd IFS for awhile now:

I’m in my 30's and remember playing a Call of Duty game with my nephew and niece ages 11 and 9 at the time. They lit me the fuck up and that’s when I knew I was officially old. Little bastards.

Agreed. These days I find gamers to over-analyze a lot, especially once competitive play comes into the picture.

I’ve played almost every big FPS out there, and I never even noticed this through beta and the last few days, and wouldn’t have if I didn't read this.

“And even after just missing several pedestrians, this Mustang driver still won’t check his tire pressures!”

So Nissan ousted the whole fuel efficiency cheating, sent the stock price plummeting, then goes on to buy 34%? Smooth.

The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.

A plane relying purely on AGM’s and guided bombs will never be as good or better than the A10 in a CAS role, a plane not designed to operate at low speeds will never be as good or better in a CAS role, a plane where the pilot can’t turn his head because of the bulky helmet will never be as good or better than the A10

I give cops a wide berth on the road. Even is conditions were fine, I would have had triple the space between me and him.

Bored son in law of Kajillionaire takes one of kajillionaires wifeys $100K car after she’s bored with it and makes it art project to boast a socialist to show how “down with the struggle” he is from behind his 8ft tall privately secured walls.....a true man of the people....

Unfortunately, this was not to be BMW's worst crime against the rear end... the 5 series gt redefined what an oversized and ugly butt could be and made these earlier transgressions seem almost refined.

The angles you show in the article look good (and always have in my opinion).

Dear Consumer Reports............