
One thing that we all must remember, whether we agree with the article or not, God loves each and everyone of us. He loves us enough to die for us even if we don’t believe in Him.

For me the new Accord still has my vote.  The Camry still looks and feels just bleh.  It still has that cheap, beige bland Toyota feel... people need help...Goulet Pen can help.

Still too much damn money...

Just wanted to say thanks the posting this. It maybe crappy the movie wasn’t nominated but it did allow me to find a great movie and also a few others once I searched on Amazon for it.

Take these to Le Mans, then will be impressed.

For me these videos arent even worth watching for one reason, how many times can the EV do that before it needs to charge for hours? Its like back when you were a kid and you got that awesome new RC car, charged it for hours and then let it rip only to be completely disasspointed by the 20 min run time and hours and

Being a VA resident and hating the DMV with the firey passsion of a thousand supernovas I wholly support this action.

Here we go again, Takata has killed people and only pays $1 billion to settle. Meanwhile over at VW its the damn Inquisition over there, $4.3 billion and execs possibly serving life terms.

I think that history will remember the United States much like it does Rome. Rome has it bad as well as its good. It was totally brutal in warfare and in dealing with conquered peoples that rose up but there is also the fact that it helped spread knowledge, peace and stability across what was then the known world.

I hope not.. thats dreadful!

I want my MK7 GTI in that color...

If I had the cash I buy and send it back to her!

I guess that works for the mass media in order to describe what happend but the term is misleading, oh wait its the mass media so its all good.

Devices? No there were no “devices” that did this, it was all software. VW did not install physical devices that altered the vehicle to meet emissions testing.

Do they finally offer a HID or LED headlamp option? My mom loves her 2013 but is very envious of my GTIs lighting package, HIDs plus they turn with the car.

Not all of the cars will be scrapped. VW has plans to repair some for either sale here or in other markets. The local dealers have owners asking if there is the possibility of repairing them and buying after that. This will probably apply to MK6 models since they have the later model TDI engines.

I was talking to my buddy who works at a local VW dealer. The reps are aware of this and are not happy with it. VWoA has not made a decision on how they will handle this since some of the buybacks could be resold once fixed.

Is it just me or was the first thing other people thought of is how uncomfortable his crotchal area must be with those tight trousers....

My dad feels the same way, 29 years is a long time to devote every waking hour to a service that, to a certain extent, becomes you. My mom surely doesnt miss it and Im glad we dont move all the time anymore but there is nothing better for me then walking with my dad, in his chief’s khaki’s, through the local mall and