Was that an old Jag that passed him? I assume it has a bit more grunt than the 356?
Was that an old Jag that passed him? I assume it has a bit more grunt than the 356?
Just go buy a Wrangler and get it over with....
Hence the reason I will never buy a rotor engine car.... Drive em hard and you need to spend lots of time and/or money on them.
Love these two renditions of these songs! This started me listening to them but they changed lead singers to much and their style changed to often for me....
Uh this makes total sense given the fact that you cant buy one right now. This does not mean they are going to remove the TDI from the vehicle line up.
No but he was the one that had the crappy car all the time when we five kids were growing up, the family hauler was the nice car. So when we all moved out he bought a Benz. Cant say I blame him.
Exactly!! My dad maybe in his 60s now but he’ll still kick my ass if I ever did this in his Benz.
Same here. For me its the same as with the last GT. Ford does all this bragging about how they will beat Ferrari and win at Le Mans etc.
Two things about this great article.
Im guilty of brand loyalty.... Although it does help when you call Customer Service about an issue and you inform them how many over the years you have owned as well as you family.
Agreeed, the non M Sport is kind plain and odd looking but with the M-Sport or an M6 look great. Someone in the area as a white 650i GC with the M-Sport package, great looking car. As for the A7, I like all the A7s!!
I was thinking the samething! What the hell is with these workers who think they can make some insane hourly rate while doing what amounts to a somewhat unskilled labour job? Be happy you have a job at this point. The company is giving you a paycheck, health insurance and retirement anything else is gravy and you…
I love the look of these cars. Best looking four door “coupe” out there IMO.
Wheely burnouts!!!
Please get a real engine!!!
I guess I’m odd then, I pop my fat boy PS3 open every couple months. Hell I even replace the TIM on the CPU and GPU every year.
Still amazes me that the Swiss make some damn fine firearms but are never involved in any wars.
Screw whoever wrote this and Portland. Its not like the person who bought it knew about what VW was doing.
Will there no inquiries into gasoline engines also. Who knows if they are not passing emissions standards either. This software could be used on any internal combustion engine.
The point is the whole thing is getting blown way out of proportion. People are saying this is going to ruin Volkswagen and bankrupt them and put an end to car diesel engines. For FY 2014 VW made 202,458,000 Euros. No way this is going to bankrupt them or remove car diesel engines from the US or world market. Has it…