Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

I feel you. I’ve cut about 90% of my family out of my life, probably permanently. I’m fine with someone simply not understanding something, but the aggressive, willful, gleeful stupidity drives me insane.

And we just boosted terrorist recruitment to, likely, unprecedented levels.

Congrats! It’s tough sticking to a plan, good for you for doing it.

I would feel bad for laughing at that, but nah. He was a monster who laughed as his friend died and set the country on the path to destruction, so fuck him.

I’m a fan of, “What if Hitler was aborted?”

Just started reading that. Legitimately terrifying.

Yes. Congratulations, you are officially more intelligent and forward-thinking than literally the entire Trump administration.

Why in God’s name would the WSJ publish this editorial?

This moron is almost as removed from reality as his orange overlord. He may legitimately be so stupid that he genuinely doesn’t understand.

Dude thinks eating KFC on a gaudy-ass jet is classy. So, yeah, 5 sounds about right.

Right off the bat, I’m looking at Zelda, Bomberman, Has Been Heroes, Xenoblade 2, Stardew Valley, and a few others. Add to that the fact there are at least ~55 games in development that haven’t even been mentioned yet, and there’s no shortage whatsoever of titles I’ll be buying.

I skipped the Master Edition, because that statue looked flimsy and droopy when Reggie was showing it off. I did snag a Special Edition though, because I’m a sucker for fictional cartography and I wanted that carrying case.

I want to cross-stitch this and hang it above my computer desk.

Wait, do you mean that the most popular politician in the country might have done better than the least popular presidential candidate in the DNC’s entire history? Madness!!!111!!1!!! Clearly (since you’re standing up for the politician with the better, more fact-based record on essentially every issue) you must hate

Facts don’t matter to these moronic assholes though. Bernie is the devil, reality be damned.

Well, yes, the one. But then the Dems ran him off the stage because he isn’t a Clinton.

Not only that, but it seems his racist fuckery violated the terms of his franchise agreement. DQ terminated the contract and took his business away. I feel bad for the employees who are losing their jobs, but this type of swift retribution against deplorable behavior is refreshing.

How dare you use clinical terminology in (what I’m guessing is) a lab setting!? That poor dear!

You won’t regret it. It does Harvest Moon even better than Harvest Moon does, especially after the update that lets you pick what type of farm you want.