The disingenuous part is in the presentation. Simply saying “both sides do it” is false equivalency. One side plays dirty pool almost an order of magnitude more than the other.
The disingenuous part is in the presentation. Simply saying “both sides do it” is false equivalency. One side plays dirty pool almost an order of magnitude more than the other.
“Both sides pull strings” is a ridiculously disingenuous thing to say, though. As of October sixth of 2016, President Obama had issued 147 Executive Orders, which is slightly more than half the amount issued by George W. Bush. That 147 is a lower number than almost any other president in more than a century.
You know, I was really starting to feel like a bit of a pariah here. I just don’t get all this hate directed toward BNL. Glad to see there’s at least one other person who appreciates their work. More than ten years later, I still throw Everything to Everybody on when I want some music that delves into addiction and…
Yup. All that noise is dumb.
Those exist in the northern Midwest as well.
Frankly, I thought it was obvious the initial comment was a joke, given the over-the-top “just asking questions” tone I used.
Oh my god. The literal point of the law is to establish the legal precedent that pornography, by definition, objectifies and harms children. Is it pedantic for me to point that out? Perhaps. But, and this is the really important part, this law is literally pedantry in service of future precedent. The law is dangerous…
“pornography normalizes violence and abuse of... children”
I’m not sure I see your point.
I don’t think acknowledging the fact that some of porn is child porn and that is damaging to society makes a person a pedophile.
I think by “children” he might be referring to the viewers.
WHEREAS, pornography normalizes violence and abuse of women and children; and WHEREAS, pornography treats women and children as objects
That it took so long for Germans to be considered white has always been funny to me, considering how many white supremacists hold them up as the platonic ideal of whiteness. But, white supremacists aren’t particularly known for their capacity for logic, so I suppose that sort of disconnect is to be expected.
Ooh, those are gorgeous. Thanks for the tip.
Ugh. That’s morally disgusting. I don’t even have any more words for that bigoted nonsense. Just, ugh.
Fucking hell. I know all too well about that. The endless hypocritical ranting (and it’s always hypocritical, because it’s always “Christians” whining about Muslims being allowed to practice their religion, when of course they think “Christians” should be allowed to pervert the First Amendment into a bludgeon…
God, I’m so sorry. It’s not fair how people with health issues or disabilities are treated in this country. I ended up being forced into quitting the job I had before my current one, because the boss (the owner’s son, with less than zero business acumen or education in the field) incessantly harassed me in front of…
Congrats on paying off that debt! No matter how anti-climactic it might feel, remember that that’s a real and meaningful accomplishment.
My Christmas this year is just my parents, my brother and his wife and daughter, and myself. That’s like, less than ten percent of what the crowd has usually been. There’s been sooooooo much drama in the family for infuriatingly petty reasons in the last year or so, and we decided to simply ignore that and have a…
Selfish? No, I think the correct word is “strategic.” ;)