Aye, but here’s the rub: these assholes never actually cared about his or any other inmates’ depression or suicidal feelings.
Aye, but here’s the rub: these assholes never actually cared about his or any other inmates’ depression or suicidal feelings.
I feel similarly about Wisconsin.
You’re fighting a good and noble (I’d use that word with or without your name) fight. We need more like you.
Like how suddenly everyone’s a feminist when people start talking about Islam. They don’t actually care about women.
Yep. That’s called “American Exceptionalism.” It’s a circular philosophy that revolves around tautological argumentation. i.e. “Everything America does is good because it’s good to be American.”
They set a couple fires, and while the actual adults are trying desperately to put them out, the Republicans run to a different corner to set more fires.
The whining that’s going on over the name seems to be a significant point of the class.
Oh, but it’s OK when they do it, because they’re Republicans. That means whatever they do is automagically small government.
It’s still Wisconsin though. You know, that state where Scott Walker stole 250 million dollars from the university system to give to one of his billionaire campaign contributors.
Yup. A real dude who left piles of gold in little girls’ socks to use as dowrys, so they wouldn’t become prostitutes.
Some of them simply are that evil, but a lot of them do this just to cause conflict among poor and middle class. When so many people are focused on fighting battles like this, there are a lot fewer people putting time into fighting millionaires’ and billionaires’ overreach.
It’s an easy flag to get their base to rally around. After Obergefell v. Hodges, opposition to gay rights is too politically toxic to use as a key wedge issue for now*. But, the bullshit “baby parts” videos are still burned into the retinas of the nation’s moron community. Riled-up morons are putty in the GOP’s…
“Think” is too strong a word here. There’s no actual thinking involved, but rather the mindless regurgitation of self-contradictory propaganda.
Instead of Reconstruction, the north should have just taken all the former slaves in, left the south a burning crater, and shown the traitors the door.
My only opposition to letting Texas secede has been that a lot of good people would be stuck there. Your rescue operation idea renders that moot. So, I say we go for it.
There are legitimate terrorists there, plotting to overthrow America.
They’ve spent over seventy years meticulously repealing every last part of the New Deal, despite it being one of the single most beneficial and effective pieces of legislation ever passed. They have been doing this for basically no reason other than the fact a Democrat signed it into law. They have spent the last six…
This, right here, is the correct answer. Fuck that goddamn aural abomination.
People are weird. If I hadn’t just bought myself two new frying pans on Black Friday, I’d love one for Christms.