Seriously, everyone!? OK fine, I’ll do it. Ahem:
I’d cosign this, but honestly, I don’t have the energy to throw a years-long unending tantrum. That sounds exhausting.
If history is any indication, they’ll blame Obama, the Clintons, and probably FDR. Maybe Carter, for good measure.
The big difference is, you’ll actually be right when you say that.
Oh yeah, good call.
I see a lot of folks recommending Pratchett’s Discworld books. Those people are correct, and you should take their advice. In a similar vein, I would recommend the five books of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. Not only does that series present a light-hearted tale of survival in a bizarre and…
Oh. My. God. I’m stealing this.
He’s just embiggening the language.
I’m OK with it, if only for the fact that the thin cursive script wouldn’t really be feasible in 3d, unless it was just printed on a billboard. Still, the original font for “Zelda” would have been more appropriate.
Somewhere in my parents’ basement is an enormous container filled with Mighty Max stuff.
They’ll quite possibly be judgy assholes, but fuck ‘em. You pay their salary. (er, I mean, you would if you went)
I think my favorite part is the completely nonchalant attitude. With quotes like, “But then I saw the gun and it was like, really? I don’t have time for this,” “I was just really irritated,” and “They come in handy,” Amy paints a picture of herself as being just totally fed up with this bullshit. I can just imagine…
And even if they don’t have legislative majority, they’ll just scream and throw a fit until Democrats give in and repeal it for them, like they usually do.
It’ll be a bit unsettling to listen to a State of the Union Address that consists of a grand total of 20 different words, arranged in various attempts at sentences for an hour.
Everything’s a false flag! See those flags behind Obama? They’re false too!
I mean, I’m almost starting to believe that. Seriously, what kind of human has the patience to put up with all the shit he’s been put through, and not go completely crazy? He’s either a lizard person, or a straight-up saint.
What kind of person is he?
And whiny. They throw tantrums like no one else can.
I hear Todd Rally runs a little faster than other games.