Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

(But really, nice one)

Just reading the headline, I was prepared to leave that as a one word comment.

I was thinking of this guy, but Herman Cain is perfect too.

The thing is, she didn’t do jack to address the problems people are facing. Livable minimum wage? Nah, that’s hard and big businesses won’t like it. Universal health care? Nah, the mostly useless band-aid that is the ACA is good enough, so let’s just pat ourselves on the back. Poor people pointing out how hard things

Uh, no, a country that largely sees no problem with government death squads murdering unarmed black men is indeed deeply racist.

Yeah, that’s obvious with all the crying the Trumpy snowflakes are doing about it.

Nancy Hates Chachi

I wondered that myself. They were probably the freshest take on the franchise since Gen II.

Yeah honestly, I think it’s more efficient to just call them crybabies.

Perceived victimhood is all the right-wingers have.

Yup. It’s gotten difficult to enjoy the character as much, after learning what a fucking cockwomble he is.

They truly are the whiniest, most easily-offended bunch of snowflakes out there.

I just watched a documentary on PBS about FDR. As an example, despite the clear, obvious, and essentially instant success of the New Deal, conservatives used denial of reality to whip up support in their ranks. At lest as far back as the ‘40s and ‘50s, it seems conservatives were little more than a loosely affiliated

I do think that would have done it. Offering an olive branch to progressives would have almost certainly boosted turnout in areas still struggling from the recession, which make up several states that flipped red.

It really wasn’t, though. That’s certainly how many on the left viewed his message, but that’s only part of it. To the people he reached, his message was, in a bizarre and twisted way, not too unlike Obama’s. Though it didn’t look like it to anyone outside the right-wing bubble, Trump’s message was one of hope. Yes,

She was unlikable in 2008, too

I for one like to respond to right wing trolls with, “You should go cry about it some more in your safe space, snowflake,” when they go off on some stupid rant. That uses two of their dumb terms at once, plus implies they’ve been crying, which is an accusation their fragile little egos just can’t handle.

Billions and billions of pale blue stars for this.

I’m 30, and dying of an easily treatable (but prohibitively expensive) illness. I feel you.

2017 is going to see the end of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the ACA. 2017 is going to see the end of the minimum wage, the 40 hour work week, and any and all employee benefits. 2017 is likely to see the end of public schools. 2017 will see the end of Net Neutrality. 2017 will see the final demise of