Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

It’s mostly a Republican thing, but only if it’s a Republican holding the office. If it’s a Democrat, they spend the entire time whining that the Democrats are literally the anti-Christ and are destroying America.

Very true, a great many of the most harmful, destructive policies of the US were initiated by Reagan. It’s also true that the Clinton administration continued and/or strengthened a lot of those policies.

It’s astonishing, both the degree to which the Clinton administration buddied up to and gave into the Republicans, as well as the unwillingness of so many Democrats to accept that truth.

Believe whatever you want. Reason appears to have no effect on you anyhow.

Ah, look at that. How “progressive” of you to use the word “retarded” as a pejorative. Fuck off, Trumper.

Party platform is meaningless when the nominee has outright stated their opposition. Loyalty is off the table when you steal nominations. Unity is impossible when you hire the corrupt piece of garbage who sold out the party’s supposed ideals.

If you honestly believe what you just wrote, your party is going to keep losing.

Your use of scare quotes around “anti-establishment” indicate that you don’t understand what that term means. The political establishment refers to the ruling organisations behind the two parties. You know, the nebulous cabal of decision makers who normal people have no control over or say in the appointments of.

“Career politicians” aren’t really what people oppose, it’s simply the term that gets bandied about. What people are actually angry about are the status quo establishment types who, whether fairly or not, are seen as being greedy cowards who won’t follow through on anything. Even as far back as last summer, when

Looks nice, but I’m not ready to switch yet. I’m waiting for SKSE, and ideally, Requiem. At this point, I can’t imagine going back to vanilla mechanics. 

You wanna talk about bubbles? I live in a Trump bubble. There’s not more than a handful of people within 10 miles of me that’s anywhere to the left of a Cruz or a Santorum. Know what I hear when I talk to people around here? Damn near everyone voted for Trump because they’re desperate for anything other than status

Phew, good thing you went with a “Real Democrat” then. Worked out well.

Do you honestly think a single Hillary supporter - the ones who’ve been terrified of Trump or any Republican the whole time - would have said, “Naw, I’ll just stay home,” if Sanders had been the nominee? That’s utterly ridiculous. Sanders would have gotten every Hillary voter, and a significant chunk of Trump voters

Infuriatingly true. The DNC has ignored progressives for decades, assuming we’ll all fall in line behind the lesser of two evils. This time, though, they outright stole the nomination from us, all the while lecturing us on how smart they were for doing it. They nominated a garbage candidate most of the country

The thing is, as someone in the “flyover states”, damn near everyone I know here wanted to vote for Sanders. Even lifelong Republicans were willing to dump their party to vote for him.

They really, really, don’t. I live smack dab in the middle of Trump country. The enire general, I saw two Hillary signs total, but I couldn’t swing a cat without hitting one of the giant Trump signs. You know the big signs, about the size of doors, that those people probably paid upwards of $300-400 each for? Lots and

Anyone that’s been paying attention to the DNC pushing its base away knows exactly why it happened.

because she was well-aware that she would need them.

Did he, though? Incorrect though his policies are, he gave voters something they could hold on to. “Make America Great Again” is a bullshit slogan, but it inspires hope of a better future. “I’m with Her” puts up a giant neon sign reminding voters that Clinton is all about herself.

The Democrats haven’t done anything to help the people in the Midwest in decades. We’re suffering here, and your party hasn’t done anything except lecture us about how our jobs won’t come back, and we should be grateful for the dirt farms you’ve left us with. The Democrats have offered no solutions to any of our