Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

It’s asinine to blame the electorate for a failed candidate’s abject failure to inspire voter confidence. If Clinton had actually tried to appeal to rural voters, rather than ignore or insult them, she might have won. If Clinton had offered an olive branch to the left, rather than hiring the corrupt piece of garbage

It played a role, sure, but it also accounted for a not-insignificant portion of her votes. Jesus, almost everything I’ve seen supporting Clinton in the past few weeks has boiled down to, “Now you can vote for a WOMAN!!!! I’m with HER!!!”

Yeah, they sure are suffering, what with the ~$2 Million a day that’s being thrown at them. Terrible business skills, there.

He is a legally viable candidate, and Trump has already stated he’s on the short list. He spoke at the convention, and has a rather large following. It’s foolish to ignore the fact that there is a real possibility of him becoming a justice.

Um, Peter Thiel has positioned himself as an opponent of the First Amendment, is on Trump’s SCOTUS short list. He is legitimately an active threat to the country.

Well, until Trump is sworn in, and the entirely Republican-controlled federal government shuts down all the dispensaries, and arrests the growers, dispensary workers, patients, doctors, and consumers.

Very true. I think it would have been hard for her to convince all of the left leaning voters given her history of dismissiveness toward them, but if she had at least made a legitimate attempt to reach out, it would have gone a long way. As you said, hiring DWS was such a slap in the face to an enormous, passionate

I refuse to beg. I’d rather die than grovel to self-congratulatory rich assholes who love to show off how wonderful they are for deigning to allow a poor to live a little longer.

Sure, but not one I can afford to actually make use of. The only option I had was universal health care being put in place immediately, and I knew all along that even if it could pass through Congress right now, and get signed into law instantly, I was going to die before any changes could take effect.

It’s possible, of course, but I’m not holding my breath. Hell, since I’m about to lose access to health care permanently, I’ll be dead within a year or so anyhow; nothing much matters to me any more.

That would be fantastic, but I’m guessing the Dems are going to retaliate against progressives moving forward. The left is quite possibly permanently silenced now.

Considering that all those polls accurately predicted Clinton would fail where Sanders would succeed, it’s not unlikely he would have won.

Won’t happen. The Dems are going to take the exact wrong message from this, and move even further to the right. The left hasn’t had a voice in over thirty years, and it’s likely going to be several decades more before we’re allowed to have any input.

I’m not complaining that things didn’t get done. I’m complaining that the Democrats never even tried to help. All they’ve offered for decades is half-hearted attempts at bullshit half-measures, mixed with sneering, arrogant condescension.

Given the history of the country, I suspect you may be right.

The Dems could have - and would have - won, if only they had nominated the person that all the polls said would beat Trump. It’s their own fault for telling half their supporters to fuck themselves, while simultaneously trying to guilt-trip them into voting for a stealth Republican.

Please do. I mean, you folks messed up the Brexit vote, but clearly we’re not capable of running a country over here.

I know full well that some people have benefited, but I also know that the recovery has left a lot of people behind. I know that literally everyone I know is in a worse position now than they were eight years ago. I know, from first-hand experience, that watching Democrats pat themselves on the back for the useless

What, exactly, am I wrong about? None of you Nazis have been able to point out an actual error on my part, and I’m starting to grow impatient. I think maybe you folks don’t have a leg to stand on.

Ain’t it the truth. Thus far, it seems the U.S. is pretty much incapable of having more than one logic-based party at a time.