Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

SCOTUS was going to take a hard right turn regardless of who took the White House, but this way, a decent chunk of the Republican party are (hopefully) soon going to wake up in a cold sweat wondering, “What the hell have I DONE!!?”

Wow, it’s a good thing the Democrats didn’t nominate that guy that was predicted to be able to beat any of the Republicans. It’s so awesome they nominated the candidate that the polls showed would lose the general. Good call, DNC, rigging the primary in favor of the candidate everyone already told you they didn’t want.

OK, so, I’m part of the “far left” as you call it. Or rather, centrists, as the rest of the world knows us. I chose not to vote for Clinton because A) She’s against universal healthcare (you know, that thing that the rest of the developed world already figured out a long time ago), B) She’s obscenely bloodthirsty (her

Oh hell yeah! Minimum wage part time McJobs are totally as good as the full time ~$20/hr positions the Midwest used to have! No problems here!

D’aww, it’s cute that you Trumpers ignore reality.

Again, you didn’t piss me off. And that’s totally fair to compare Pence to Hitler/the Nazis as well. I’m from Wisconsin myself, and I’ve seen the damage he’s caused down in your neck of the woods. It’s horrendous.

Wait, so Hillary supporters are against gun control? They’re against a stronger healthcare plan? They’re against immigration? They blame ethnic and religious minorities for America’s problems? They make false claims of Christianity? They whine about atheists and socialism?

No, you didn’t piss me off. I’m just confused. The guy I replied to suggested it was foolish to compare Trump to Hitler, I pointed out several ways that the Trumpublicans are exactly like the Nazis, and then you suggested I was being unnecessarily argumentative. I just don’t get how you think pointing out objective

Thanks, bae.

Wait, what? Did you mean to reply to someone else?

Are you suggesting this is out of line with Republican mantra for awhile now?

Very true. I’m clinging to the hope that four years of Trump will tear the Republicans in half.

Wow. You totally took the wind out of my sails there. Super intelligent and correct reply, bro.

We’re talking about a man who brags at political rallies that he keeps a copy of Mein Kampf in his nightstand, who has quoted Mussolini favorably, and has run his campaign as a by-the-numbers homage to those two. Comparing him to Hitler in no way whatsoever goes too far.

Cool story, bro.

Thanks for the fact based response, clearly outlining the exact ways I’m incorrect, as well as offering facts to support your assertions.

Oh, I’ve never been all that scared of Trump. There are systems in place to deal with the worst of what he can do. Plus, as a Wisconsinite, I’m acutely aware of how much worse the country would have had it under Walker.

Explain that the Democrats - despite all polling data, common sense, and logic - decided to run the most hated candidate in their party’s history rather than the guy who was poised and predicted to take large amounts of support away from the Republicans.

This country’s been a far right shit-hole since Slick Willy turned the Democratic party center right. How so many people are just now realizing this befuddles me.

The Nazis:

1. Rallied their supporters by protesting the Weimar Republic’s strict gun control policies, saying that they were disarming the German people.

2. Rallied their supporters by protesting the Weimar Republic’s nationalized healthcare plan, saying that noncontributing parasites were costing “real” hardworking