That should be the title of his next biography.
That should be the title of his next biography.
I’m thinking it’s just a Porygon-themed hair dryer? Wondered about that myself.
Ever since reading the tattered journal entries on Cinnabar Island detailing an expedition into the jungles of South America, I’ve been hoping for something like that.
I’d bet some of them even noticed the tag, but simply couldn’t help but show off how super smart they are.
Well, actually, “filed to” tags are just a feminazi conspiracy to trick men into becoming beta cucks or something.
...Do you not know that our system already elected David Duke? Do you not understand how close our system currently is to potentially electing Donald Trump? The U.S. has a long and storied history of electing horrible people.
Third paragraph from the bottom:
Yeah, damn those USB drives and SD cards they’ve been using! So proprietary!
At last, you’re becoming a crafty consumer!
There are already programs in the real world that can interpret text. Hosts are able to recognize and log visual stimuli, both for the purposes of improvisation and for later analysis. Put these together, and it seems strange that they wouldn’t be able to read.
Yes, and the increased funding and recognition that come with passing the 5% threshold would go along way to making that possible.
It never ceases to amaze me how often the people who throw out the “You’re just as biased as everyone else!” false equivalency love to follow it up by both admitting they don’t understand the conversation, and shouting, “Shut up and vote for who I tell you to vote for!”
But not even the whole thing, with all that “well-regulated” big gubmint talk. It’s just: “KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!!!” with “U-S-A! U-S-A! CONFEDERATE FLAGS!!!” added on for good measure.
Single payer is literally universal health care. Fuck off.
Right? Like, what even is this bullshit talking point? In order to go “further to the left”, the “left” would have to actually, you know, be on the left, rather than a bunch of Reagan Democrats.
Oh cool! Only a few more decades of unnecessary deaths before someone gives a shit about poor people with illnesses!