It’s fantastic. It’s appropriate for kids (if you don’t mind depictions of cigars) and well-written enough to be enjoyed by adults. Bone winds up being a grand epic adventure filled with magic, dragons, and prophecy, but has some interesting twists on the standard cliches. A short description from the official site:
Thank you for reminding me that I have to re-read Bone.
It depends on the denomination. $1,000,000,000 in pennies would take up ~18.75 million cubic feet (bear in mind that doesn’t account for gaps between coins, so it actually would require even more space than that), so that wouldn’t fit in the room.
Awesome! I’m at a bit over three years myself, and while the cravings haven’t stopped, it has definitely gotten easier over time. Keep it up!
No, it isn’t. I’ll agree that it’s fucked up to portray his combat record as cowardly, but when it comes to politics, he’s a craven, opportunistic fraud.
Too often, it feels like bad people don’t face appropriate consequences. Every once in a while though, a photo like this comes along and suggests that maybe karma actually is real.
Hell. Fucking. Yes.
Considering the fact her campaign had Chelsea going around lying that cannabis is dangerous, I’d estimate there’s about a zero percent chance Hillary would ever lift a finger to oppose this War On Drugs bullshit.
How dare you. Derek Zoolander is at least... three times smarter than Trump!
No. The Many Worlds Hypothesis deals only in plausible ideas. There does not exist any single reality - out of infinite possibilities - in which a literal mass of sentient feces like Donald Trump could ever be seen as sympathetic, let alone a “good guy”. In point of fact, the existence of a “Donald Trump” is enough to…
Good lord, yes. At least Fox has the decency to be obvious about its insane right-wing bias.
“If you think you understand Trump supporters, you don’t understand Trump supporters.”
Pssh, get that logic outta here. 2016 doesn’t want that.
frozen fries take 20-30 minutes to bake
I’d say it’s reasonable there was a market or convenience store relatively nearby. Plus, Ore-Idas fry up in just a few minutes in a deep fryer. I don’t necessarily believe the story, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
A little floor spice makes everything nice.
Wait... Is he allergic to crunchy, too!? Maybe the fries were too crunchy! Oh, if only they were crispy instead, he could have avoided this cruel fate!