
This is definitely not everyday life for this caucasian or any other I know.  Who the hell cooks without salt, pepper, herbs, and spices? Ever? And I’ve never heard of mac n cheese with brussels sprouts, or worse, squash! And potato salad with almonds and raisins? Where do you find this stuff?

He’s ten years older, rich, and famous. It’s a psychological power imbalance.

I know things were different in the 90s, but even though our culture let that inappropriate and even illegal behavior slide back then and earlier, I knew then that that behavior wasn’t okay. Didn’t you? Didn’t most of us? Didn’t any decent person who respected others?

Sexually deviant behavior??? What did Issa do that would fall under that label? I think that gross threesome is the only deviance I can think of. And that was Lawrence. And they’re both fucking around, so why only call Issa the ho?

Those who are the hardest to love are the ones who need love the most.