You mean what the network did to Conan. and don't get me wrong because I'm team coco but Conan kinda screwed himself. Both shows were failing, the network wanted to give Leno back the 11:35 spot move Conan to 12:05 Jay accepted ,Conan refused and the network canned him. and by canned i mean gave him 33 million…
first 2 movies great last 2 ...well... i respected the ending of the 3rd and the 4th was an interesting concept and would have made a decent movie outside the terminator universe. I didn't start watching TTSCC until the second season because i felt the same way at first i never even gave it a chance.I caught the…
I guess this a chicken or egg...half full half empty situation that will probably never come to a conclusive conclusion lol.
Finally i can mark fapping to a hallmark movie off my bucket list....
Generally those impulses are things we want to do ,or have some desire to experience but we know not to because of the potential negative affects. In this case homosexual activity is that "negative" in question, or we can just go with sex in general.Now if this was just sex then i would agree, but since it a specific…
Question...whats the shelflife of air craft fuel or gasoline in general ?
Fun fact... Coal burning plants produces 100 times more radioactive waste than a nuclear plant producing the same amount of energy. and then there's the mining and acid rain and air pollution from coal plants.
I wouldn't call it bizarre because i can identify all of there traits in myself or people i know (not all in one person ). I work with a guy that's like full blown level 5 aspergers ... brilliant man , senior scientist the guy has like 3 PHDs and i gotta say compared to this guy the shows portrayal of Sheldon is…
I never understood the Big bang hatred. its a comdey sitcom , name one sitcom that isn't a gross exaggeration of the subject its trying to portray. I mean yeah it shows them as being super nerdy, but most of them in relationships,one has been to space and they are all physicist at Caltech.
I saw this and first thought...great another papercraft costume...had a rant all fired up...then i looked at the build log ...and WOW. this chicks skill is unbelievable.
Maybe I'm nit picking ...but his right hand was shot off with a shotgun by Red Forman. the idea of a full robotic arm with a meat hand at the end just seems kinda stupid.
Not enough room? My place is 2 cubic meters and we only take up 1.5 cubic meters. We've got room for a whole nother 2/3rds of a person.
All i ask for is a system with a central Hub that allows me to add multiple cameras. software to automatically sync the footage would also be nice. this seems like such a no brainier yet seems next to impossible to find.
Theses guys are such noobs... totally not a single person with akimbo model 1887s, or famas with reddots .