I thank god that artiest like this still exist and are somewhat mainstream.By far the most captivating iv seen and heard in a long time.
I thank god that artiest like this still exist and are somewhat mainstream.By far the most captivating iv seen and heard in a long time.
I say they change the name to Half Life Forever.
Could go with the Walking dead "everyone is infected" route. Something else killed him,and he came back a zombie.
Looks like we got a white knight here...Pretty sure its the Jihadist extremist that strap bombs to themselves and detonate them in crowds of people while screaming things about allah in Arabic that cause the stereotype ...
She may be old,but she still looks amazing. ..and not even amazing for her age just amazing period.
Quick get Michael Bay on the phone!
So would this not employ some terminator /fry being his own grandpa time travel.
I saw that Malibu at SBN years and years ago. It actually had a turbocharged 3.1 v6 , they also had turbocharged sunfire and supercharged Caviler both with appropriate ricy body kits ,spoilers and stupid paint jobs. the problem is only a small number of people would ever want something like that.
To me an "enthusiast" who cant drive a manual is like a physicist who cant add and subtract.
He didn't break the free fall time due the the whole mach 1.2 thing he covered more ground at a much higher rate.
There should be a area from 3,000 to 13,000 showing were most normal skydiving takes place.
Don't worry i got this.
If they did that there would buses of people scoping it out because hey...its just a slap on the wrist right? And the sings were the warning . And maybe there's a chance they didn't see them ,or they wanted to see what they were up to. Also the guard shack thing is a little misleading.There are multiple outpost…
well first off... that's not a Military base Its part of the NNSA which is technically just part of the US department of energy.