
Funny thing is that the exact same thing would happen at any military base if you tried that.

That's done in the Phone not the cable, they could have used a micro USB but why pass up a chance to make people buy new cables and adapters.

First , Big Bang.

I'm kinda lost at this point. So we agree that they didn't need the money? since they are bushiness? you do know that one of the owners of tesla is Elon Musk who's net work alone is in the billions? They were already producing cars ...meaning they already had the tech. they just needed money to stay afloat.

I don't have one .. i'm not running for president. Mitt has some great ideas tho... you should take a look at them. But... if i had to take a stab at it i would say invest in a large company that will need lots of employees ,and provide business for other businesses,and something that makes a product or service that

Yes investing is indeed needed in a rescission, Investing in something that isn't likely to stimulate the economy is stupid.

Yes in terms of our tax money being spent wisely. Investing in green is not a bad thing,its just not where we should be focusing in the middle of a rescission. what Tesla and Fisker have accomplished and are tiring to accomplish is a good thing, but what they make right now are niche cars that most of America cant

All studies are now rendered invalid.

I'm going to say fail, because if you take them out of the setting most of them just look like a extras from a Tim Burton movie.

Can you blame them? i mean its pretty hard for most people to comprehend such a high level of awesome.

I don't see what the big deal is ...were there not a buch of Kung Fu movies in the past produced by china that featured ridiculously stereotypical Fu Manchu stroking villains. Or is it a "its only ok if they do it "type of situations

If you guys think this is bad ,do a Google image search for saline injection with safe search off.

This is true , if you look at a Merc compared to something like Porsche or Ferrari or atom it is rather boring, but when you compare a AMG (or AMG black series) to a normal Merc or BMW M car or Maserati or so on then its really is kinda something special with its louvers , fender flares ungodly exhaust note and so

List of cars he owns or has owned .

Looks like it went light over a crest and over corrected. I don't even think a Porsche would snap over-steer that bad.

Pretty cool that got Zapp Brannigan and Solid Snakes love child to narrate.

Doesn't do much to ozone since its mostly soot. Most of that falls to the ground... so inturn it tends to do more damage to ground water.

I saw a video of a man entering a cab , then beating the carp out of someone , then telling him to find his hat.... video kind of speaks for it self. The cabi didn't try to make him split the fair , he assumed it would be ok, then tried to explain to him that it would cost him less. Go back and watch the first part