
Yeah but then everyone would just sit around dieing of cancer or other terminal illness while waiting for a doctor ,Im not saying subsidized is perfect or better , but neither is socialized.People from socialized countries come here for specialized treatment ,and people from the US go to socialized nations for

so i guess this applies to both sexes now

Ya know...I'm ok with this.

This isn't even its final form.

I love that this thing sounds like someone making motor sounds with their mouth.

My craptastic Cobalt SS, this account was originally for jalopnik.

Ya know i feel kinda disappointed

Sounds like Skrillex finally got tired of people talking crap about him.

I take no action without first fully understanding and accepting the repercussions.

And now it makes sense to me.

This guy needs to put down like a fucking dog.

they don't take well to criticism

I wouldn't call it a habit, at lest not for everyone. and i wouldn't call it disgusting,i get complements from non smokers all the time.

Smug much? First just because its Cuban dose not make it better. Your the type of person that thinks Heineken is great beer just because its German/Dutch ,not realizing that Heineken is the German/Dutch equivalent of budlight.

Crying? just some PB blast splashed in my eye.


After reading 4.

I wouldn't say that. Manned space flight is one thing..manned space exploration is another. I kinda sorta agree with them both. Robots are the way for now, as it stands now manned exportation is nothing more than a suicide mission.

If i needed it that bad i'd just sell my house.