
I can live with the wait to to get to the tower and or other activities, my main gripe is-like you stated- getting to the character load screen. I’m not a programmer but maybe they could fix it by just having one character load up instead of all three. Of course it would be the character of your choice it’s just that

Im glad you said this cuz I was about to be pissed lol.

We cant really be mad about this. Anyone out there could see this was going to happen sooner or later with how online purchases are these days especially now that “disc-less” consoles are right around the corner.

well if your a good player then the dad build wouldn’t be an issue for you would it? Think about it like actual war because technically that’s what pvp is. You dont see soldiers running into the battlefield with revolvers. Also shotties arent very skill based either basically a short range OHK. In regards to fusion

Well said. If people put more effort into saying what the game needs instead of bitching about it bioware would have something to go off of. My recommendation (hope your listening bioware) make the guns more impactful to the game spamming my storm javelins abilities gets boring after a while, and make me more

I enjoyed anthem and still do but once I got to grandmaster 2 my attacks were absolutely useless even with full masterwork gear. My problem wasn't with the content so much as it was with me being satisfied and moving on to other games I still have anthem installed hopefully they dont can it but I'm not sure what they

Gotta admit though iron man put up a damn good fight against two so called super soldiers 

ALas another pale comparison to what kotor 3 couldve been

I believe they were called shield maidens

At first while reading that article my mind drifted to “sounds like a bunch of excuses” and not even in a malicious way but more towards what other people would think and due to the fact that I’ve been a bioware fan since kotor on OG xbox. I played through anthem and enjoyed it until I got to the endgame, i grinded

Think of it as like playing chess you dont really gain anything from it but the enjoyment of trying to figure out the best strategy to win and I can only imagine how much figuring out it must have took to accomplish all this. And besides I can't think of a better game to waste time on than reach

And it’s not only a feedback issue when you get all these haters jumping on the bandwagon it kinda destroys a games credibility. If some random person who isn’t a huge gamer gets on a comment section of a review to see what people are saying about it they’re gonna see all this negative shit and not even bother playing

I was actually given a mission by someone to kill another player so I’m thinking that the whole griefing is by design

Can’t play god of war because I don’t own a ps4 that’s why I think these awards are somewhat flawed. It’s not that I don’t disagree with the verdict it’s just they should separate these exclusives into different categories. 

I didn’t hate it but it basically strung me along for the longest time before I realized (credits rolled) that I would never leave kirkwall. Then da:I came out and it just gave me too many places to play.

I don’t fault your opinion one bit I understand completely. While i enjoyed it greatly I couldn’t help but think how much more of everything else could be added to these games if they weren’t so huge. Id be happy with an open world the size of skyrim but with more of everything else; npc’s, missions, graphics, and bett

No. Ever since Godzilla movie in 2000 I don’t mess with water and you know they’d throw the kraken at you. I don’t even fight slaughter fish in skyrim

I can honestly say that I loved this game but then something horrible happened... I finished the story and don’t really have much motivation to restart it. I’m still on the epilog but the character im playing as can’t hold a candle to arthur morgan

Yes very predictable during my odyssey play through I was just coming off of far cry 5 or was it wildlands I can’t remember but all three are basically; drone/eagle tag enemies, snipe until they catch you (they always do), and destroy everyone else. It’s actually a very solid approach though clearly

the thing about red dead2 is that it doesn’t want to be compared to other open world games it wants you to utterly forget that they exist and it does