
None of the original pitch ideas seem that interesting. Prey is alright but its strength is the gloo gun. Everything else is serviceable but ho-hum. It’s a solid game and is fun for a quick playthrough but the only thing that makes it stand out from other games is the gloo gun.

Ishmael, how dare you want things to be easy and simple. In the old days people had to struggle with crappy user interfaces, and then repeat content they already played before they could further their progress. And all that frustration built character. Kids these days want video games to be fun...what’s up with that?

I thought it said “transfarting” as in farting from a distance. That would be much more fun and useful.

I loved The Root when it featured content about actual things that mattered instead of just celebrity gossip.

You took the words out of my mouth, DB. Patricia is my favorite video game journalist. I especially like her longer reviews and personal essays. I did some googling about this fake article to see what all the fuss was about and it took me to some dark places. I want to say for article, blog, Youtube video, 4chan

Did Gawker take money from Pepsico for this article? So much product placement...

Narelle, your articles are great. Ben looking forward to your stuff.