
welcome to 2017 where PC culture has ruined the world

Felt like this article needed to be on The Onion.

This is double fake outrage. That “controversy” link in your article is a reddit thread where about 1 in 100 people are actually upset about this. This is the type of journalism that makes people so suspicious of the media and so inflammatory towards other people. There is no controversy. You grabbed your shovel and

I’ve quit the rest of Gawker for this reason. It’s a shame that my sports, technology, and occasional pop culture sources had to get thrown out with the vitriolic bathwater.

Yep, out of all the things he could have said/done, him waving “bye” is the one to get bent out of shape over. Would anyone have an issue if he had done it to a male opponent? So much for equality.

I’m sure in that moment, Cocosasa was pondering how this would impact the inclusion of women in e-sports. This was a cold and calculated act of sexism, no doubt in my mind. I mean just look at him... he’s a man after all.

Yay! A new example of hypersensitivity to get thrown in my face later when I talk about toxicity in gaming. Thanks internet

Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.

Honestly, I love it. Nobody actually got hurt since it’s just a game, and there is a certain kind of beautiful art form to this kind of extreme pettiness. You just sit back and sigh and shake your head while smiling when it gets to this level.

In space, no one can hear you whinge about honor in video games.

It’s a videogame, not some kind of actual fight. No way is this a bitch move, dude seems pretty smart to me.

As opposed to being a established player griefing newbies? Karma is a bitch. Also tricking someone like this is called fighting smart.

Enjoy your gaming now... take it from another father of twins (almost four now). You will enter a hellscape for a few years, just hang in there and know that it will pass. We’re pretty much at the light at the end of the tunnel now that the terrible twos (and threes, which no one ever seems to talk about until you

See I won’t play this as a handheld and it will remain docked 24/7 and will be using a pro controller. However if performance is that bad while docked, I have to wonder if I should just forget it.