Some things in this article bugged me, sooooo..
Some things in this article bugged me, sooooo..
I threw together a quick spreadsheet of Recipe and Where To Find Ingredients using other folks information to make it clean and condensed, made it public to anyone with a link:
There’s other options? Before you talk about some wack stream, let me mention I live in an area with shitty internet and would rather watch programming on my 65 inch OLED.
I see the new never ending scrolling edition of Kinja has taken another soul.
That is your preference, I have had both and definitely prefer the back. It is much easier to lock and unlock with one hand that way. That doesn’t make your point invalid though. But the author is definitely wrong that having it on the back makes it impossible to find. That is just an ignorant statement.
Human sacrifice,
Go fuck yourself with having to jump in with your ‘it’s all the same on both sides’ bullshit. One group has a history of slavery, endemic and systemic racism, and a system designed to work against them. The other is mad they can’t be racist anymore. In case you missed it, go fuck yourself.
Damn, I missed Fancy Kristen.
Pretty sure that’s a mid-90's Camaro, dude.
This isn’t honest journalism. This is how EVERY car company shows cars avaialbe at X price. Bad headline is bad.
Before they finally kill it, they will require 478 updates, each of which will try to force a McAfee install.
I’m going out on a limb to say that they need to leaf Central Park trees alone.
Here’s another stat to remember. Only about 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA. Because the NRA is a fucking evil institution that represents fucking irresponsible assholes and not responsible gun owners.
whatever. She still won the popular slope.
Why even bother? All they have to do is re release Obamacare and call it Trumpcare and their baseceill eat it up. They didn’t hate Obamacare because it was bad they hated it because Obamas name is on it (even though they’re the ones who put his name on it. Just use the same plan and they’ll never know the difference
Why is nacho cheese not a choice?
Beast Rode