
nope, none of these have those uhmazing cheekbone prosthetics so they're irrelevant

lol-ing forever at unstabler

circling back, was it super dark? because i'm pretty tatted up but i know nothing about cover ups. mine's relatively small but it's all black and red and didn't heal properly. also, how much bigger did the cover up have to be?

mine's only a heart, so people don't ask questions (thankfully) but i still want to get it covered. i got it in a weird spot that will fuck up the rest of my future sleeve so it's just a big fat no. i'm glad yours worked out though :)

same, except i think about his terrifying role on SVU

i pretty much hate the dude, but since we just got different heart tattoos at the same time, i don't generally think about it like that. the worst part is that ironically, it didn't heal properly (because of an issue with the ink, not because i didn't know how to care for it). so it's more or less i look down at my

oh yeah totally, mine is now just a random heart. in an ironic twist of fate it didn't even heal properly though (and i have a bunch of tattoos aka i know how to take care of them, it was a total fluke/something with the ink)

okay, this is adorable, but coming from someone who did get a sort of friendship tat with someone they are no longer friends with, i sure as hell hope it lasts.

yeah, my name (liza) isn't common enough for me to not feel weird when i see other people with it. save for when i'm introducing myself at a gay club and numerous people scream "LIKE MINELLI???!!!!" because that has gotten way old

fuck outta here with your google glass

i sobbed hysterically the whole second half, ngl. the only thing that saved me from not COMPLETELY freaking out was the 3 mini bottles of pinot grigio i had in my purse and the fact that i was surrounded by 13 year old girls who all went batshit when they saw a glimpse of ansel's abs during the "sex" scene

love orphan black's inclusion of a trans character, but that tony/felix kiss was a big ol' NO

yes :(

this gif is so awkward why

biggest grain of salt ever:

from clark gregg's AMA yesterday, pure gold:

have you gotten the bottled version yet? i stalked a million bodegas until i found it at 7-11 and bought sooo many the clerk laughed at me. it's obviously not as good because fountain > bottles but it's still delicious.

this needs to be in my mouth yesterday


i really wish that for the rest of the day the internet was more great nerd jokes like this and less about dumb racist celebrities