Phantom Stranger

I was so happy they picked Hourman. He's a very good character for television and his abilities suggest several natural story arcs.

Disagree with the main review's point, dropping the bomb should lead to further character development from Felicity. She is going to feel responsible even though she saved millions. I think it was time they fired Felicity as CEO, that arc never made much sense. I also imagine they'll use the nuclear radiation fallout

Some of the episode's impact was taken from me as another TV site had spoiled this death in a header. I would have been taken completely by surprise if not knowing a major character bit it.

That was definitely the inspiration for this episode. Probably would have worked better if Iris had confessed her feelings sooner to Barry.

"I knew I loved him when I saw that my parallel universe doppelganger loved Barry."

Easily the best Fox comedy to come along in years. Rob Lowe was born to play the Grinder and the clever comedic writing continued to prove itself over the season.

I bet Wally gets his powers when exposed to the same chemicals that Barry was exposed to in his lab.

I teared up a bit with the Nora and Barry scene, but I am a lifelong Flash fan that has been reading the Flash for decades.

I think that is pretty much how every comic book fan feels about the Inhumans. They are fine as one-issue guest appearances but making a whole movie about them could be a disaster.