
Grain of salt, et cetera, but I felt that the second episode was the weaker of the two by far until it snaps us back into Obi-Wan’s troubled head with the late reveal that Anakin’s still alive. The first episode is solid, it nails the drudgery of Obi-Wan’s clandestine life and the tensions that define it. I liked

As a huge fan of Voxtrot, I deeply appreciate this comment.

Golems. I groaned aloud at the end of the previous episode, because if you’ve read Chabon, you know the man is obsessed with Golems, and I had forgotten to expect that he’d return to his fascination in a story all about synthetic people. It can’t be a Chabon project without filligreed references to Jewish folklore.

Janet Jackson, 2004: NATIONAL SCANDAL

Cardi B, 2018: lol wow check out this totally viral moment

Argh. Talking about anything in the terms of a “console war” in god damn 2019 feels so much like kids bickering on a playground.

Mei in shorts is precisely what the world needs, but that... peplum? Apron? Help me out here...

that ain’t it, chief.

Space Pharah is a bit meh, but Hellboy Winston and Toxic Hog are brilliant. And I freaking love Riot Brigitte.

Most likely real-world salt message content:

<racial slur> <sexual threat> <profanity> <racial slur> <racial slur>

This may be a noble effort but I fear that IT’S NO USE!

“Awesome or Garbage” - aka. the IGN editorial manual.


It’s Smash Brothers! You hit the guy. It goes “GAME!”

We all already know the cast. What is there to spoil?

In related news, GameStop’s share price plummeted this morning.

Brandon L... oh crap, nevermind.