
I’m still trying – and failing – to understand what’s actually going on with that rear axle. Are both the axle and its locators made of rubber?

My new goal is to die doing this.

It’s more than watching remote control trucks on a track..

I love this series of racing. It is supremely entertaining. It’s akin to going to the dog races only to find you arrived for Dachshund night.

+100 on the Crown Vic Police Interceptor. While there are many Jalops who salivate at the idea of a cheap ex-cop car (no doubt with Elwood Blues’ voice echoing inside their heads: “Cop motor, cop brakes, cop shocks . . . “), the Vicky is a slow and overweight turd. And furthermore, ex-cop Vics are mostly purchased by

This should be fertile ground for Jalopnik complaint bingo.

“ maximize center of gravity.”

no... just no...

What about the straight guys in your audience, do you have anything for them?

Can they stop building stupid kid bikes like that and give us that NSX already ?

Most genteel German car:

Buick Park Avenue HAS to be in the conversation.

That’s not gentle. That’s boring.

I love 600’s. But IMO, despite the gentleness of the ride, smoothness of the engine and shifts, and creature-comfort hydraulic amenities, the car has a pretty menacing “I’m going to fucking kill you, because I have a stash of AK-47’s stashed in the backseat, so shut the hell up, and sit your ass down.” kind of


BREAKING NEWS: EPA engineers have found a line of code within the Volkswagen TDI emissions software! The line reads as follows.
“^ ^ v v < > < > B A Start”
The EPA is working diligently to decipher the meaning of the code but sources say the EPA strongly suspects the code to unlock something within the suspect

Yunick’s Basketball in the gas tank, or his 11 foot fuel line.