Phantom of the Oprah

Lol, yet another idiot who ignores “FACTS”! He tsayed on the phonecall with 911 until police showed up, Trayvon’s own witness acknowledged as much! The entire transcript is online btw, and the fact the 911 dispatcher (NOT a cop btw) notified him he didn’t need to follow him...was because he was trying to give them a

“Woulda, shoulda, coulda”...looks like Trayvon lost this round, fuckboy.

At least they don’t look fat and masculine like black women!

“black don’t crack”! 

POCs are too gutless to do it, that’s why Trayvon No Limit Nigga is 6 feet under.

Sucker punch is the defacto POC defense. That and “15 on 1" fights.

Wrong tubby:

...except majority white culture is the dominant society worldwide. Every important invention or scientific finding all done by whites.

Haven’t been online here forever, tubby.

Why was Trayvon expelled for two weeks? What “high honors” (internet bs) student gets expelled three times in one school year? And why did his mother send him to go stay with his Dad if he was such a sweet innocent kid? And why was he always posting pics online of guns, weed and cash? And why did his lawyers fight so

Wouldn’t that mean a reunion with Trayvon?

Something something “blame Whitey”....does it ever get old blaming ALL of your failures some six decades later on everyone but yourselves??

Oh look, you hate “truth”!

Can’t take them out of the jungle apparently...

Why is every teacher assault video ALWAYS by black students?

..and yet what race is “a switch” associated with for punishing their kids?

Why not, it’s inevitable with your race anyways!

WE only need them because of POCs, almost every video of student on teacher assault is of one.

Crown is for the poors, no one with taste would even cop to liking that swill.