Phantom of the Oprah

Why does this even matter exactly? Even with a black candidate and historical POC turnout it STILL took the white vote to get him elected! Secondly, in almost 40 years POC voting had been in a decline...until a POC candidate was on the ballot, which reeks of racism not patriotism. 

Both black, doesn’t really matter.

Genetics, really.

What black culture? She looks Latino, dresses like she’s 13 and her music is dance/pop. Extensions? Yeah, Egyptians invented them...they aren’t black!

...then why don’t they write and sing their own songs? Oh that’s right, because she’s far hotter.

...she’s half Sicilian...which IS brown.

Black snowflakes are offended by everything, Christ to this day they claim they invented dreadlocks (nope), that only they have dark skin and hips (helloooo Indians and latinos!). In their world all music started with them, and all non-black food lacks taste (uh...Italian, Greek and French food is now tasteless??).

Don’t worry, when those kids are out on the street they’ll inevitably kill each other anyways! they blocked traffic!

...because most of yours are caught on video resisting arrest, end of story. It’s the default reaction by POCs.

Just imitating the black community, “I di’int see nuffin’.

“because he’s white”, otherwise you don’t say a peep when it’s black on black the majority of the time.

What is being used in the tens of thousands of murders in Chiraq, Detroit, Orleans, Atlanta and every other majority black cesspool, slingshots?

How dare you blame POCs on The Root! Everyone knows you blame Whitey by default. They never do nuffin’.

At least his mother or granmama won’t be blaming the POlice or the wrong crowd, or claiming he was such a sweet boy.

You do realize that there have only been a little over 1200 deaths from ALL mass muderers in over a decade right? That’s not even two years in Chiraq.

It’s been a hot minute since she assaulted someone, give it a week!

He wasn’t reading, his daughter who wasn’t even there stated this, no book was even found at the scene.

The Obamas...what do I win?