This whole concept is confusing, what do you want me to do or buy?
This whole concept is confusing, what do you want me to do or buy?
You are confusing me with all this number talk, I will do what you say.
Home Depot had it for under$20.oo last week.
Home Depot had it for under$20.oo last week.
Check out the interview he did on Howard Stern it is apparent he maybe hadn’t given up, but made me want him too. Damn this is a loss no matter how you look at it.
R.I.P. Scott, thanks for the music you gave me and a lot of others. Glad you got to make it, sorry the road was too tough for you. A candle is burning for you as I write this.
Beer is the gateway.
I wear this helmet too because it fits, the noise is a bit much but being able to open the Helmet at a light in the summer in Vegas is great.
I have tried to try on many helmets and they won’t even go past the crown of my skull. HJC seems to be best for gigantic noggin types. They fit well too when you can get them on. I have a couple of HJC and they were reasonable and nice looking and fit the larger head set.
Watch Chris Fix on youtube he explains how to seal them back up with Rustoleum clear with UV block. You can get the stuff for less than $4 at Walmart.
Watch Chris Fix on youtube he explains how to seal them back up with Rustoleum clear with UV block. You can get the…
I know if I have a boy it will be called Peytron.
I am probably wrong on what street it was, my memory is bad however it is an opening wide enough for cars and police cruisers used to drive in and out as well as most film crews. Maybe it is long gone that was back in the late 80’s
I would ponder with all the work he did was he still really a human being or some extraordinary super God, who since he was no longer human didn’t really die at all. He simply killed a lesser being, who was not him yet different.
Here is a question to ask them. Why is it so Fugly. I got the F from Ford as in its windows.