
Lean your ear up and listen to the clouds.

I am from this country and that thing is way to small to work on my ears. This is a bad article poorly written.

You could O'd on the carpet off gassing alone.

You said Rod, huh huh.

Turns out it was Cos.

Reminds me of a Simpsons joke where Homer right before he goes into space gets a call from President Clinton and asks him if he knows where he can get some 'tang. This was before Lewinsky.

Which arm is it tattooed on?

They have a group of people who design the concepts, after that the next group of designers drink from lead cups and finish the jobs. That van is awesome. The original Chevy Volt was great too.

Monica would know where to spit.

The "holden" means that the flaps are holden the water off you car and the dirt off of it.

They do the opposite of this on T.V.

Try any flat surface, preferably slightly behind something that will slightly obscure it from view.

This thing would get stuck in traffic, stay out of the mud.

Bungee time.

Nothing even comes close.

Column C should say he did it too himself, then it can be a little A, B, C.

Here is the sexy, and the leather.

And the 32 Ford is a world car.