Sorry in Japan after 100K they remove the motors.
Sorry in Japan after 100K they remove the motors.
I could just have one phone call for most of it since Obama texts me anyway. My Dad just died, My Mom has terminal cancer. I am at the airport in a bar, waiting for you, never mind We are over, I am Gay. I have to get to work to fire a couple of people then I am going to go home and take nap.
How could they possibly be in "generally really good shape" I am sure Volvo was happy to send replacement parts and maybe the even sent advisors to help make sure they were well maintained.
I would like to see Bernie Ecclestone and Sheldon Adelson locked in a room for 2 weeks with one weeks supply of food and water and see the result.
I would put it under Queen Bowie.
For the thousandth time the misspelled Santa.
I am gonna guess he has a penis, I think you are projecting.
She has a very deep voice.
I wonder if he tried to hire Anthony Pellicano?
If you do it right 51 percent of the time you will end up a hero.
Because Beige.
The Silver Surfer.
People have had to cut back on luxuries the past few years
MMMMM... Doughnuts.
Videos of how it happened so they can remember.
That's a speed hole, makes car go faster.
I shock my digestive system every day, and would not consider throwing anything up.
He could feel "safe" if he was rear-ended.