
I'm too irrationally fond of the furry ones to agree with you. (This is not a reasoned stance.)

Points for not using the phrase "lactation Nazis." That is all.

Hey, good luck!

Maybe, but some girl is still going to find her shirt pulling across her bust or her pants too snug in the thigh even when they're cinched at the waist, and it'll suck.

Oh, heavens, yes. And this is another thing that can make uniforms difficult.

Tough one. Sometimes I've been able to say something like, "You know, at some point I stopped being comfortable using that word that way." With the right tone, it hits the ear as a comment about yourself.

I'm with you!

Like odette1 says, I understand the human hanger idea at the same time that I find it super weird. Unless you're going to keep your clothes on hangers instead of wearing them, it doesn't matter what they look like on hangers unless they're meant as wall art. Part of what makes me insane about shopping is having to try

Thank you. I knew, like, 30% of that but was hoping someone else would write it.

I'VE GOT IT. It's the 17-year trolls. Different varieties must cycle with different frequencies, like cicadas. We've got the usual, annual trolls this year plus the ugly 17-year trolls.

I thought we sprayed for trolls last week ...

I was lucky enough to get into my top choices, so maybe I should shut up now, but I made my choice between schools A and B based on which one had the most prestigious program in my intended hard-science major. Once I got there, however, I discovered simultaneously that 1) I couldn't keep up with the kind of students

There are, of course, plenty of recipes for those.

I just stumbled on some blind dog resources here. There are more over here.

That sounds good. I ate ALL the pancakes earlier. Okay, the dog ate one. He's having a much worse week than I am, but it's getting better.

Ugh. I hate that kind of weekend but know it well. I'm stuck at home with an injured dog (day 5), and I'm emotionally and physically wiped.

That is awesome. Awesome.

But hanging around being racist has a long tradition among white people!

Sending strength, lady.

Thanks, mrsfinch. He's doing really well, considering. It's been a rough couple of days.