
Yes yes yes. And the wrenching flip side is how they own your heart. I saw Dog One be hit by car yesterday, and I've never screamed like that in my life. He's in the ICU with a low spinal injury. For all he's done for me, I'm sick with the knowledge that I couldn't keep this from happening. Send us good energy,

Dogs = furry probiotics. Woo.


One could make the argument that exactly because your grandmother uses it to mean "regular old fit" other people use it to specify that it's the kind of fit your Jewish grandmother would complain about and/or to step into the role of a Jewish grandmother while speaking.

That seems perfect to me. If a 12-year-old wrote it, a 12-year-old is old enough to read it. I mean, really.

Morally, not socially, awkward. Catastrophically morally awkward.

Now I am having all of those responses in a kind of loop.

Eeeww! Time to grab that little sanitizer bottle of Manischewitz.


Once or twice I've had the opportunity to tell a person who's just said that X or Y "doesn't look Jewish" that they do not know what Jews look like.

Oh my DOG, those questions are outrageous. What century are we in? When my mom started college in the US, a fellow freshman, never having met a Jewish person before, asked her where her horns were. That was already grade-A gobsmack in the 1960s, but it's 2013 now, right? Right?

Time to watch some kittens and take care of yourself.

Thanks! Already having dogs, we had comfort animals on hand for the rest of the week's events. Good planning.

Reasonableness fistbump, man. That improves the week right there.

I completely get your point. I know how big a role the combination of TV news and embedded photographers played in ending the Vietnam War. It is important that we understand what's happening abroad (wherever that is) and empathize with people far away.

You're ahead of many! I eloped last Thursday, which has suddenly become bizarre timing.

Fuck the media exponentially increasing the number of people traumatized by broadcasting horrific, invasive images and gratuitous details of injuries. THANKS, NOW I FEEL SICK, TOO. How about broadcasting what the trauma counselors are saying instead of the things that are traumatizing?

When you hear her voice, start singing the obvious Lily Allen lyrics and go eat something really tasty.


Accepting size is not the same as accepting illness or unhealthy habits. If your blood pressure is high or you're in terrible cardiovascular shape, you can address these problems. You can eat better, too. You'll be healthier for it, but that improvement in health may not bring with it major weight loss. Accepting that