No one needs an "excuse" not to prioritize your ideas about what is and isn't attractive.
No one needs an "excuse" not to prioritize your ideas about what is and isn't attractive.
Excellent avoidance of spoilers. Well done. Now I will not read the comments, obviously.
O_O How is this even ...
I would have recommended Islay single malt. The iodine element is from seaweed, I believe. Perhaps Bowmore Mariner?
I had a revelation along these lines while standing on an Upper West Side corner, watching a doorman usher a small white dog into a van ready to whisk it away for primping of some kind. "Who needs this service?" suddenly became "Right on, small-scale entrepreneur!" Dog seemed cool with it, too.
The whole "historic traditional procreative purposes" thing mystifies me. Historically, traditionally, it's been about property. Is there really any debate about this among people who study this stuff?
... I mean, forcrynoutloud, they've got such things themselves. (Whiiiine)
Yeah, and I'd like to get in early with the idea that _they themselves_ should value enthusiastic consent over "getting away with it" or "seizing opportunity" or however they're conceiving of it. Gah. Too tired to fill this thought out right now, but the conquest and sneakiness models have got to go ....
Personally, I'm thinking of starting to carry snakes when I fly ...
Then framing that as FYI legal advice would have been kinder. Skipping the "um," for example.
I'm trying to train myself to have that reflex (or something similar) instead of freezing. Of course, if I _had_ done something like that to the bride's family's favorite old uncle who was touching my neck, &c., at my bro-in-law's wedding, it would have been seriously bad.
Let's just retire the word "real" entirely. It's just causing trouble here.
It's not bullshit if you live a bus ride away from said kale, carrots, and salmon.
Oh, the sneezing! I had never been sneezed at so regularly and so emphatically until this dog came to live here.
I think I would get him panniers. Bento on one side, clipboard on the other.
My dog is awesome, too, but I'd happily support him getting at least part time work outside the home. On workday mornings, I'd make him a little bento box with different shapes of kibble and pieces of cheese cut to look like cats and squirrels.
Don't we all? (Also: you rule.)
Thank you. I was struggling with my own need to say that.
Only if you decide that being able bodied is _by definition_ the same as being able to walk for eight hours straight. I'm sure there are other definitions. What's the swimming requirement for able bodied-ness? Lifting? Throwing? You see the problem.