
I’d buy this for $75 max. It’s not like motion and noise sensors are new things.

I’d buy this for $75 max. It’s not like motion and noise sensors are new things.

Nah, the gameplay is the best part. You have to actually play it. Plot is hard to follow with all the games out though.

I think this is not the right attitude to have if you want to see change.

I literally just said it. Thorin went on reddit, saw this top post and said “Hey I’m gonna steal this article idea from reddit.”

I guess it would be nice if the writers came up with their own articles instead of reposting ones they found on reddit.

You writers really need to credit reddit if you’re going to use content ideas from there.

Nope it’s actually easier now. Before you had to fight with one pokemon at a time to gain experience for that one pokemon. Now, very early in the game you get an item that gives all the pokemon in your party experience even if they didn’t come into play.

I read somewhere that there aren’t any hardware sensors connected to the battery and that the software uses an algorithm to determine battery percentage. I don’t remember where I saw this or if it’s even correct, so I could be wrong.

You still have options...just fewer options. Lightning headphones, the adapter, or bluetooth. You can opt for the other two options if you think you’ll lose the adapter.

Sounds interesting. To be fair though, you can just switch to chrome by typing “chrome” in spotlight search

Yep hate that. Just look at my resume where it’s nicely entered in an eye pleasing layout.

Ugh reminds me of all the internships I’m not eligible for because I’m just a little too far out of school.

I had no idea those titles were all different things. What are the main differences?

How is it too late? Disneyland (and world) are fun!

My first interview out of school I arrived 15 minutes early, and waited for the CEO to arrive and interview me. The first thing out of his mouth is him complaining about how I arrived early and the entire time he spoke very condescendingly to me.

Taxes and financial stuff such as credit cards, stocks, and banking.

I agree with the other commenters on this thread. Before my sophomore year in high school, my mom Forced me to go to Romania and visit family and I would be missing the first week of school (and 2 weeks of band camp lol)

"Keep your fonts 12 points or larger and make sure they are legible!"

Some people were having the same problem and it worked when they had xcode 6 running

Not exactly "hacking a console" but I took my wii nun-chuck and put a blue LED light in it so it would glow when plugged in. It was pretty cool.