Phan Smut

WHO GIVES A FUCK. Go to TMZ and stay there.

Netflix 1.0 = more varied content, all about that recommendation algorithm
Netflix 2.0 = Less content, more original programming and zero recommendation algorithm

The Anti-Polish bias from AVCLUB is astounding & disgusting. I will be planning a boycott ASAP.

Feech La Manna

Spend some money on new flooring bro.

Oh boy, there's no way they filmed this segment and that was the best they got. The editing was definitely sloppy and the actual person who shot this did a TERRIBLE job.

Anyone who buys a 7/11 hotdog, pizza, or chicken wings has to reevaluate life

Army is great, but I love seeing Melville's Post War set design

Le Cercle Rouge. AMAZING amirite?

Melville - Delon

I was the same way till I started watching VINYL

You're looking at the wrong way. For Network TV Wayward Pines is a A+. If it came out on AMC or FX it would be a D+. It's interesting and different we shouldn't shun a show like this. Wayward Pines being successful = less shows like Big Bang Theory


Sons of Anarchy title sequence is seriously the worst thing ever. The bad graphic design mixed with the horrible acoustic track

Post Modernism, bro. instagram - Phan_Smut_

These guys really should have stuck with the Morning Benders name regardless of the connotations. People thought the singer was going to be then ext Brian Wilson. Oh well .

It's weird even the punch lines for the trailer drop like a sack of potatoes. "I get 5 seconds……wen do I staurt" GROSSSSSS