
Norma's whole family was retconned (or something, I dont know if retcon is really the right word) in the book — her mother died in the early 80s and is not an obnoxious undercover restaurant reviewer with an incompetent lowlife husband, and Annie isn't mentioned at all. (Also, Ed and Nadine get married long after how

I rewatched the whole season this past week once I got the Bernard-is-an-Arnold-shaped-host idea in my head. There is nothing that contradicts either that theory or the William-as-Man-In-Black 30 years in the past theory, and I watched very closely.

They could always kill Ed Harris off in the present at the end of the season and keep flashing back to William in the past for other reasons next season. Or ditch them both. If the season ends establishing what happened 30 years ago, we won't need Jimmi Simpson anymore, but there's no reason we'll need a Man In Black

Actually, there are clues that it's in the past timeline. That it's actually Arnold who is speaking to her. That scene comes right after a scene where Ford is talking to Bernard, and yet when we see Bernard talking to Gina Torres he's wearing a different outfit…and then when we see Bernard again a few scenes later

I was thinking the same thing. I am unreasonably irked by Aukerman, so maybe that's why I hated Simpson so much, even before it became clear he deserved my loathing.

Northern Calloway died of "excited delirium" in a mental hospital. He also once had a manic break and beat his mistress with a metal pole and went on a violent rampage through the streets of Nashville pantsless screaming about being David from Sesame Street. It was incredibly awful. He was, in my opinion, the most
