
“Luke Skywalker Might Have Something Surprising in His Possession in The Last Jedi”

They should have just had Danny McBride play Kenny Powers in Space for Covenant.

The thought of someone raping Little Miss Sunshine is giving me the worst cross of murderous rage and horrific sadness. Take care sweet Abagail.

I read the source “Us Weekly” first as “Us either”. Made total sense.

It’s like when you see people ordering chicken fingers at a seafood place - JUST STOP.

Guessing the contract’s not run out yet?

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

The sad part is I can’t even tell if that’s sarcasm or not. That’s how fucked up things are on the Internet.

Good job on dumping his ass, Toronto.

12 year olds shouldn’t be behaving like this either

Won’t someone think of the manchildren???

“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

inb4 “liberal politically correct sjw cucks bring down another brave martyr in the name of spouting off like a 12 year old.”

He is also like a sex god.

Little known factoid about Chewie, he speaks perfect English. He’s just fucking with people, because its what furriners do.

It’s like they just grabbed a stock photo from previous films and slapped it in there. Gave it some shine.

What’s with Aquaman’s eyes?

Star Wars spinoff movies

Why does Mario’s hat have an “L” on it?

Technically not actually a Mario character...although it is interesting that both the Zelda and Mario games have a connecting theme.