
Trying real hard not to let loose some anger and/or take it real personal that the video game-film genre has a huge chance at gaining legitimacy through Cate Blanchett’s casting... and Kotaku’s only take is to have one of its reviewers remind us that he doesn’t like Borderlands.

I’ve long held that the best exercise is the full-body pump one gets from crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of the women.

Uh, here’s what Rob McElhenney said about his own transformation:

He’s lean not jacked. Learn about this topic before you comment next.

Far from healthy? You must have a strange definition of healthy

The Big Thicc.

Do I need to see Wonder Woman’s 1 through 1983 to understand the plot to this one?

Steve at the end is pretty much me at any art museum.

Now playing

People are listing the obvious ones, so here’s an oft overlooked choice:

You’re so money baby, you don’t even know it.

I would walk through that house and pick up every item not nailed down. I would definitely need it to solve some puzzle in the future. 

I hope this isn’t the last chapter of a sad story. I grew up on Sierra games-- Quest for Glory was my gateway into roleplaying games, and still one of my most beloved experiences. I genuinely hope they are selling the house for happy reasons because it would break my heart to find out this was some dark ending.

Realty Quest III: Curse Of The Closing Costs 

OUTRAGE = clicks = $$$

Your complaints are basically for a service that just started. I’d like to read your first draft of your article before you proofread it. I bet it would have been filled with mistakes and in some parts incoherent. After you proofread and fixed the spelling and grammatical mistakes then it was a good article worthy of

Yeah, this take is about as bad as when Jezebel tried to promote the idea that fall was the worst season.

i said fuck her, im indifferent to her kids.  I dont begrudge her request, i begrudge her dirty look and any dirty looks of anyone else.  Its nice if he does it, but any expectation that someone else gives up their seat for a crappier one for nothing is fucking bs.   Im 6'4, you think im willingly switching seats to a