
According to the Online Etymological Dictionary it’s been used as a noun since the 12th century and derives from the old Norse word for poet, “skald.”

Ah, “auto-immune diseases,” hallmark of entitled whitedom. I bet they're suffering from adrenal fatigue brought on by vaccinations and gluten. A no-FODMAP Paleo diet supplemented with choice essential oils will surely solve the issue.

I mean, without backyard rinks, how would little Gordon Bombay ever have perfected the triple deke? The Minnesota Miracle Man alone is reason enough for impromptu rinks to stick around.

I think we know where the Flyers are moving practices when Ed Snider milks all the money he can out of the Skate Zone in Voorhees.

I clicked the link to the original article. Unfortunate article to be promoted.

Pardon, fair maiden, I’m hoping you will
Attend my abode for some Netflix & chill.

I prefer my gyms where people shut the hell up and get to work. That and gyms that don’t have Smith Machines.

TECHNICALLY, it’s space opera/fantasy, not science fiction.
*Pushes up glasses*
*Sniffs own fart*

Manziel ate dinner, gambled, and partied wearing a blonde wig, mustache, glasses, and hoodie, going by the name “Billy.”

One could say they have become flaccid.

“Uh, yeah, my name is...Billy. Uh, Billy......Football.”

If only Gawker employed someone to write in depth about the weather...

We can just blame Brandon Sanderson, right?

Evil Jon Stewart

The world is a normal server, so PvP is only in contested zones like Taiwan and Tibet.

Also: don’t be a dick at the gym! The squat rack is not a place to do crunches, curls, or deadlifts. The bench press bench is yet another place you don’t fucking do crunches. If you’re going to curl <100lbs, don’t use the 45lb bar with 10lb plates on it, go use the gym’s barbells. Don’t stockpile dumbells. Use one

...he compared selling Lucasfilm to Disney as selling his children to “white slavers.”

*yakety sax theme starts furiously playing in T’Challa’s head*

Whatever happens, I just hope we get lots more of Daenerys wandering from town to town, and John wandering around the North, and Arya wandering all over Westeros and Bran wandering wherever the fuck he’s been wandering.