
Pizza Hut - always on the cutting edge of advertising

Hah! To give you a TL;DR version, they're the descendants of confederate veterans. You have to be able to prove your great-great granpappy fought for the South in the Civil War to get in and pay dues and such.

Sewer Shark!

Windows 7 here, just found out about this tool. 8GB on my laptop. That's crazy, I'll have to run this on my desktop too.

I thought we were talking about this at first.

By the way, is that actually how you pronounce Bahamut? I hope not, because damn that sounds weird.

Well that answers that!

Fuck webchats

That article on Android screenshots. Down+Power?

Indeed. Recently married folks can attest to the "I don't give a shit, but let's not go for broke" method.

I don't know how it happened. I don't really know when. But I was using a school computer and went to look for the browser. Chrome was not on there, but Firefox was.

oh my

Until Android gets the Any.Do calendar, this should be great. Will have to give it a shot.

And the toast is if you're feeling fancy that morning!

They also filmed several scenes in Columbus. My wife got to watch some cars jump over some ramps on the bridge near her office. Pretty cool stuff!

I knew there were hats, but I didn't realize TF2 had become Gaia Online.


Makes sense. They both start with M and are both within the asteroid belt.

Batman, obviously. I mean, when available, the answer is always Batman.

Excuse me for lyrics