
“A self-described fiscal conservative, Cagle—a 54 year old Tulsa, OK, high school English teacher who teaches pre-Advanced Placement and AP classes—believes that cops get a bad rap and said that he understands why the Republican Party has taken hold of power in recent years. “People look at their taxes, and they say,

Please refrain from commenting on the First Amendment until you figure out what it is and does.

Sure, but the difference is that the whack jobs on the right are actually the ones in power. The people on the right who refuse to do anything—even enforce existing gun laws—are the ones in government.

You’re arguing against a strawman. Can you point me in the direction of a single legitimate liberal leader who’s made any sort of serious proposal to take away all the guns? Can you point me to a single legitimate national liberal leader—not some wingnut commenter on a liberal blog—who’s actually proposed repealing

The more important and directly causal thing? Yeah, we probably should.

Also proven effective in preventing mass shootings: stricter gun laws. Let’s go with that one first, then address the media.

I’m sure you’ll be surprised that, after the Oklahoma City bombing, laws were passed that made it much harder to procure the amounts of liquid chemical fertilizer that Tim McVeigh used. Look at how many similar bombings have happened since.

I just glanced at an article on Jezebel that looked as if it was typed by someone wearing boxing gloves. Thank you.

I’m very sorry that people are going to keep talking about men committing harassment and sexual assault. I hope you’ll be able to get through this trying time.

If an officer lets someone off with a warning because of that person’s connections and not because of the nature of the offense it absolutely is corruption.

One of the best instructors my gym has ever had was a woman who was overweight. She was one of those people who always struggled with her weight. And life had gotten in the way for a while. She joined the gym as a member and got more serious about working out. She took some classes, got the certification and started

It’s possible that this trainer started out EVEN FATTER and managed to get certified along the way in their journey. You don’t know their whole story. Maybe they do Ironman-distance triathlons. Maybe they’re into powerlifting.

Fat =/= unfit.

A rap song that features misogynistic lyrics, racial slurs, and dick boasts? Well I for one am absolutely appalled, and also havent heard a rap song since “Rapper’s Delight”.

We live in the USA where you’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

Innocent until proven guilty applies only to a court of law, not to the court of public opinion, an employer, or to representation.

Eh. What he said is pretty standard therapy speak. I do think him being famous helps get his point across. Which isn’t a bad thing! It’s a very good thing and would be nice to see more celebs use their celeb powers for good.

Now playing

“His bluegrass band the Steep Canyon Rangers”

How dare the bad guy attempt to destroy Black Bolt’s slave plantation! I, for one, am relieved he’s been imprisoned for life without trial.

I can’t find this online, link?