PG; the scalpel wielder

The only thing I’ve learned from the Ferrari, Hummer, and Skyline is that I have no concept of how long a year is and every day I inch closer to death.

My wife and I were just at Carmax a couple weeks ago looking at some vehicles that would transport 6 people in comfort and did not contain the word minivan (we’ve owned an Odyssey since 2005). The sales guy showed us a few and let us test drive several. Prior to that I asked if these had extended warranties available

If anything, I’d say Boeing built it well — this plane (N251MY) has knocked around all over the world under 11 different registrations for almost 30 years and, I’m sure, gadzooks hours, without a previous incident remarkable enough to make its way into the sort of quick Web search that turned up its registration


So that’s how Boxsters are made...

I always thought mini-van style sliding doors on smaller cars (like a Fiat 500 for example) could work for a car that you might buy to use in crowded, high-traffic areas with small parking spaces.

Great write up Doug! It was great having you come out to the shop and play with us for an afternoon.

~ Sincerely the confused FiST owner

Well, I guess now we have an Iran/Russia dominated Middle East to look forward to. This should work out well for everyone.



Hey I’ve been on that ferry!!!

This is the most unrealistic article yet, Doug.

Dubai is what happens when you cross the feel of Las Vegas, built to the scale of Los Angeles, with the architectural style of a northern Virginia office park.

What is this? An SUV for ants?

Do you guys need a on-site reporter?

The steering wheel is from a Subaru XT!

Add to that people who don’t pull the fuck forward when stopped behond other vehicles at a traffic light. I can go into so many reasons and rant about why these people are selfich assholes, but I shouldn’t have to.

Here’s a photo from that Wittman Regional posted to the Facebook page of the spot where it touched down. Left a little rubber...

I would say CarMax may be a victim of DeMuro.