
You...just got the memo, didn’t you?

You have unrestricted access to the Internet; you were as aware as you want to be. Uniformed military are often denied that luxury, and so they need a memo to convey a level of awareness that most civilians take for granted.

Who are you expecting to get a memo from?

Straight man until his reveal, whereupon he’d start speaking in some nutso accent...

Now playing

I love that it’s a fishbowl and looks weird just like the original art!

If you think 8 feet away is in her personal space, you’re a fucking idiot.

Thats not a paparazzi. That was a paid photographer.

I think it’s her complete lack of concern for the guy she just drilled in the face that really caps it.

My favorite line of the movie was “Activate Instant Kill”. I punched my buddy in the arm when that happened i was so excited.

I saw it with someone who knew little-to-nothing about the MCU and she was fine. Yes, there were lots of questions over dinner, but it didn’t interfere with her ability to enjoy it. There were clear good guys and clear bad guys. She yelled and applauded in the big battle scene at the end when Cap gets the hammer and

I didn’t know how badly I NEEDED to see that final half hour until I was watching it. Seeing Giant Man punch a space whale!?! That was incredible.

Remember when it was considered a bad idea that this guy could play a superhero?

There were so many moments in the final half hour in particular where I just kept saying to myself “I can’t believe I’m seeing this on a cinema screen”. Action, character combinations, plot elements... not only was I seeing them, but they’re in what will probably end up being the highest-grossing film ever.

The thing is that Davidson had tweeted something that sounded suicidal earlier in the day. Not letting him go on live television and in front of an audience was a wise decision. What would you be writing if he decided to kill himself on air and hundreds of people then decided to follow his example?

Totally agree.I’m not sure how it happened-maybe they were in a movie together and the credits confused me?- but for a couple of months I thought Henry Cavill was the actor called Armie Hammer. When I figured out the truth my first thought was that AH is super bland.

Armie Hammer? Is chiselled? From the sun?

People that do this anyway drive me nuts, but I have seen more Mac users do it lately because they “need everything right there” and it makes for just a hellscape on their desktop. There’s document folders, put stuff in there. And make subfolders. Organize your stuff!

Or you could just... not store files on your desktop.

I had a Pro 3 previously and it was fine. Well, for what it was, anyway—it’s simply not a laptop replacement for me b/c the kickstand is not a replacement for a hinged screen, you can’t actually use the damn thing in your lap, whether you’re seated or lying down. And the screen is really just too small for serious

I work in the AV industry. I design and program control systems for boardrooms, conference rooms, theaters, classrooms, etc. I audibly sigh every time a customer tells me they use any type of Surface. They are the most unreliable pieces of tech I may have ever seen.