
I did my part with a 2016 FiST

It’s a bold move cotton, lets see if it pays off for him.

2013 Mustang GT500 does in fact break 200 MPH.

While i agree with the idea of him needing a bit more room and getting a focus, I do own and daily a FiST and am 6'0" and have no problems with room for myself. the hockey sticks might not fit (depending on the length, I do not play hockey so I wouldn’t know), but it is easily the most fun car I have ever driven. I

I used to be a test driver for one of the big 3. There was an unmarked construction zone where me and my other 3 co-workers had to get over suddenly, and the last guy in line ended up cutting off a gravel hauler in Michigan because it was either that or run through a construction zone in a prototype Navigator. Not the

Kars and Karts? Like Cars and coffee? Maybe if you’re lucky someone will bring their mustang to race the go-carts!