
Are we still talking about Ron or are we onto David Tracy now?

They aren’t “remote” starting it. They are using push button start (in vehicle) without an auto start feature. They essentially start the car fully, get out, walk away. The car won’t auto lock the doors (and sometimes it won’t even allow the owner to lock it depending on brand) and someone can walk up, get in, and

I think we need to sacrifice All the Edge STs for the tears of all the FoST and FiST owners

they do press against the glass. so cycling the spring makes it lose the ability to do that over time.

It is true from my observations and I can explain the physics behind the springs. The wipers will not be as icy, I can tell you that. but the price you pay is your springs that keep the wipers fitted to your windshield well at high speeds. what you essentially are doing is fatiguing the spring (think how a paperclip

I think it is a ford escape in that picture.

I have to Agree with Kristen on this one. those Ford Fiestas are pretty good and fun (although, I have an ST) but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, get one with the 6 speed auto. Way too many problems. I work for Ford, and I will even concede those transmissions are terrible.

I’m not so sure it was that they WANTED to vote for a T.V. star. I mean, yeah he won the primaries which befuddles me. But when it came to Trump vs. Clinton, every one should have known it was going to Trump just for the fact that Clinton is one of the most hated Democrats there is. At least by view of moderates and

I wouldn’t think they would want to intentionally put their dealers out of business.

I would rather have a word with whoever put an iron cross on the rear window.

Jesus that is dark, yet morbidly funny.

It id for sure Dodgeball.

No, I would have gotten a ticket regardless. Believe me. My parents and neighbors have all gotten tickets for various stupid reasons. They pulled our neighbor over in a Kayak that was maybe 20 meters off shore and tried to give them a ticket (one of the Kayakers was a lawyer, and told them that none of their arguments

Initially I was driving in a straight line until they went onto a collision course with me. I then Changed direction because I figured as the smaller craft it is my duty to avoid them (and I would also lose a head on collision). So I adjusted my direction to the left about 30 degrees (estimate) and continued on a

hmm yes, less than half a beer before getting on, and driving in a straight line near the shoreline but not close enough to be a danger to anyone is now apparently running from the cops and drinking and driving. I don’t expect you to believe anything you hear on the internet, but they did ticket me with not having my

Nope there isn’t. Just that it is the law to have your license on you while riding one. They tried to get me for drinking and driving (I ended up being .05 out of .08) they tried to get me for lack of safety equipment (I had it all). How did they initially pull me over? using a large 30 ft boat and driving straight at

Or if you are driving a Sea Doo on a bright sunny days, in calm water, about 1/4-1/2 miles off shore. $300 ticket for leaving my drivers license on shore within swimming distance because I didn’t want to lose it in case I tipped.

Only the ones in cars. The O.P.P. on the lakes are much less nice.

It seems Mr. Kobayashi was put in an no-win scenario. We should look at calling this the Kobayashi Maru.  

sound like crocs