
That’s because Subway uses turkey-based deli meat. I'm still not sure why or if Subway ever explained the purpose, which is why they will remain mediocre. It will never equal or surpass Jersey Mike’s.

It’s deli meat. If it’s ordinary ham/salami/turkey coming from the plant then slicing at the counter does nothing except look good. This is just foolishness on Subway’s part.

“Well we don’t want to articulate our strategy because we don’t want anyone to steal our strategy”

I was really rooting for Hot Topic to get Thinkgeek :( I haven't shopped regularly with HT for the better part of 15 years, but it seemed so obvious that being absorbed into Gamestop was a substantially worse route to take

gamestop has always been problematic in their decision making, remember when they bought ThinkGeek and then proceeded to wipe it from the earth for no goddamn reason?

what they need to do is actually make the shift into being a pop culture market, still sell new and used games +hardware but make that the side business

They generally end up looking like a crime scene as well.

You complain about the temp yet use the rip-off, (see your own site)  3rd party delivery.

Were EA not in the picture, it’s very possible Bioware would’ve worked on Anthem until it were actually ready, and most of the launch issues would’ve been eliminated.

Based on what i saw here i would say the much bigger hurdle here was not frostbite but pride.

No, I agree that leadership was a huge problem, but I think that’s something that gets sorted out with time. And aside from whatever you thought about Andromeda, it seems pretty clear that a large issue for both games was shoe-horning Frostbite in, and then throwing the game out before it was ready. Were EA not in the

Other than Frostbite, Bioware seemed to be their own biggest enemy on this one.

Don’t get me wrong, EA sucks, but from reading the article, this really doesn’t seem like EA’s fault. EA set a hard deadline, but it really seems like the problem was a lack of leadership within BioWare.

Nice job as always, Jason; thanks for confirming a lot of what we all feared. A game that was rushed out and built with a toolset that at the very least wasn’t an ideal fit. And not learning from Destiny’s missteps because they couldn’t talk about Destiny is pretty galling.

People are gonna hate me on this but... I kinda liked “Ghostbusters”. I mean, no it wasn’t as good as the original or anything, but it was goofy enough fun that i never actually hated myself for going to see it. I liked the chemistry the cast had (for the most part) and enjoyed it more than I am supposed to have.

Eh, this from Dowd seems like it’s going to be right up my alley. I figure horror movies count double toward the Dowd-review-rule, as anyone expecting hugely new things from a slasher flick is going to be inevitably disappointed. But we’ve been trapped in the gore porn/supernatural horror mode for almost 20 years now,

Before I can decide how accurate or applicable your review of a horror movie is, I need you to qualify the whole experience by telling me how much weed you smoked in the parking lot before going into the theater. I will also accept number of edibles consumed, a rough estimate of the concentrate quantities involved, or

Movie has 93% on Rotten Tomatoes right now. 

Nah, a C from Dowd is usually a B to B+ from anyone else, this is probably going to be one of the higher quality horror films of the year

It would be great if just Hey Google worked. When we first got our system, around Xmas (we have 4 or 5 throughout the house and a max in the living room), everything worked perfectly. Now, it randomly decides when to recognize us when there is no other noise in the house... Yay... the future...

something’s wrong with U then