
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

Pure conjecture here, not having read the book or any spoilers to this point, but pretty good odds the twist is Amma is actually her daughter.

Sure, maybe I’m overtired, and bordering on drunk, but you just made me tear up a little.

The only buttons ever used on my microwave are the +30 second button and occasionally stop.

Along with my distaste for his ridiculous accent, I’ve had a hard time disassociating Jerry Remy from his kids behavior.

Because one of those 8 players is the greatest of all time, and he’s wearing a Cavs jersey.

Part of the process involves trading up for a broken player with zero confidence, and giving up a first round pick.

This post is colossal failure

If nothing else we’ve seen the rise of Anthony Davis, Superstar in the west. Along with “holy shit?!? The Celtics can scratch their way to conference finals without their 2 best players? Maybe Brad Stevens is a genius!?!

I, for one, would love to watch Henry Fonda pick blueberries.


And I don’t know what happened, but could someone ungrey me? AV club was following right after the Great Kinjaing, but I’ve no idea what happened. Granted I have never posted a ton, but I’ve been here for like 16 years...

I think it’s Ain’t No Right before Obvious, but yeah. Jane’s was the first thing to pop in my head. Even the first 3 on side 2 of Ritual are pretty great.

Richie Aprile was hilarious. Apropos of nothing, my friend and I would occasionally ask one another “You still likin’ the jacket?”.

So, if Atlanta would have thrown the ball more instead of running out the clock?

This is just moronic.

I’ve never watched Titanic either, outside of a couple scenes while flipping by on cable.

Chicks, man


Well, if the Vikings score more points...